Friday, 18 November 2011

Play sound in OSS applications, using ALSA

I just used GTick (metronome). But it supports only Pulseaudio and OSS. So, I configured it to OSS sound output and started with:

aoss gtick

It works well. And no more problems like "/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy".

From man aoss: «aoss - Wrapper script to facilitate use of the ALSA OSS compatibility library.»

Firefox crashes, while opening file downloading dialog

My Firefox crashed, when I pressed Ctrl+Shift+Y. This key combination open "Downloads" dialog. I found, that error message was:

firefox: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/ undefined symbol: gnome_vfs_unescape_string

So, I found solution that helped me and, hope, will help you. Just edit file /etc/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/default-modules.conf and comment line (write "#" before it): "file:file".

Monday, 7 November 2011

Installing wine in Debian Wheezy (Testing)

I was surprised, when I didn't found wine in Debian Wheezy repositories. But I found some solution here.

So, try this:

ARCH=`uname -m | sed -e s/x86_64/amd64/ -e s/i.86/i386/`
wget -r -A "*_$ARCH.deb" 
sudo dpkg -i*.deb 
sudo apt-get install -f 

After you need to delete folder with wine packages if you don't need them:

rm -rf

Ha-ha. It works! Thanks for nicolaselie

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

MPD and Volume widget for Awesome

Here are two small and simple widgets for Awesome WM.

MPD State: Shows now playing artist and song. Works with "Pause" and "Stopped" states. Depends on mpc.

Volume State: Shows current volume status. Works with "Mute" status. Depends on amixer.

Sources and setup instructions are on:

May be, someone need them. Commentaries and proposals are welcome.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Happy New 2011 Year

Happy New 2011 Year!
Let it be more productive, more amused and more lovely for each of You.